Every Iris, of course, has a name and many of the flowers shown here and in the catalog have been developed at Schreiner's.
The garden occupies about two acres with the rows laid out between wide grass paths. The rows are about ten feet wide with irises featured nearest to the paths and taller background plants along the center line of each row. if you are a good photographer, there are excellent compositions to be found. When we were there, several people with mega-cameras were doing just that. My little camera seems to be about able to capture what I see. I do especially like the white iris below.
As with previous blog entries, I'm unable to put the photographs where I would like them to be, even though I follow the directions that tell me how easy it is to move and edit everything. Schreiner's also has a retail store and an order desk at the garden, so you can buy cut flowers and a few plants and you can order Iris plants to be shipped in July or August. Here are a few more photographs of Schreiner's and then some from Adelman's Peony Garden in Brooks, about three miles north of Schreiner's.
Adelman's Peony Garden http://peonyparadise.com/ Is located just north of Brooks. It isn't nearly as imposing as Schreiner's but if you like Peonys (or is it Peonies or peonies or maybe pretty flowers), you will like this place. Adelman's has a small, rather formal show garden and then row after row of potted Peonys for sale. You see the prices and think you will probably need a loan to buy one but we somehow managed to leave with one big potted plant and several cut flowers from their retail store.
Adjacent to the retail area is a path that takes you to the growing fields. These photographs were taken there. I'll put the rest of the photographs from both places in a Facebook album.