Thursday, December 2, 2010

On the Road to Bend

We fed early and got on the road for Bend and the Oregon Cattlemen's (OCA) Annual Convention at the Riverhouse. It was raining steadily at home and on the road until it turned to snow at Prospect and packed snow and snowing hard at Union Creek. We were in four wheel drive from there to nearly LaPine on Hwy 97, about 80 miles, where the snow turned rainy and the roadway cleared.
From there into Bend the snow and rain alternated but the roadway remained clear. We arrived at 11:15, checked in, had some lunch, and then I went to the opening session of the OCA convention. Several good speakers talked about cattle genetics, how genome information is rapidly becoming available, how it is and will be used, and how the new information will integrate, or not, with existing selection aids.
Back at home, the drain tile under the Antelope corrals fell behind during the night. There was about six inches of standing water on the low sides of several pens this morning. Since this is pretty exciting stuff, I should have taken a photograph. If it is still there on Sunday I'll take a picture and put it here. The cattle seemed unaffected and were going about their business as usual. The only interaction they need to have with the water is walking through it to get from the field to the feed bunks. The feed bunks are about two feet higher than the water and more than 40' away at the closest.

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